
Friday, April 24, 2020

Te reo

for Te reo i have taken 5 photos around the house and i put them in a slide show and found out the Maori kupe i learned some new words and i hope you do to.


for Anzac day we have been making poppy's and doing task about Anzac and i didn't want to wear them so  i decorated the window's with my siblings for Saturday it was fun to spend time with them i hope you like it

Thursday, April 23, 2020

shapes task 2

for our maths we have been asked to create a net of a shape i have created a cube and think it was very fun  i made one fail when i forgot do do the flaps


for our R.E we have learned about integrity we have to make a DLO and then post it onto our blogs.
here is what i have done
please copy and paste this on another tab and it should be there
Recovery Demands Your Honesty - fairness key to successful business change, claims ...
Building a Culture of Kindness: The Power of a Hug

Procedural writing

For literacy  we had an assignment we have learned about procedural writing. procedural writing is when it involving a sequence of technical details or instructions. like in board game if  you don't  know how to play there are instructions on how to play .
we have to choose a topic and make a procedural writing about it and make a film of your topic and give specific instructions on what to put in, how much ,how long, and all that 
i did my procedural writing about how to make chocolate chip cookies.
my video

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

shapes task 1

we have been learning about 2D and 3D we have to complete a google slide and answer all the questions here is what i have completed