
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Blog post analysis

 for this task we did maths a bit of literacy and a bit of steam so it was really good and fun to do I found it a bit hard when it came to doing the graph but I had my awesome teacher to put me in the right path and showed me how to do everything I also had classmates to show me I can not wait to do some more blogging next term.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 for RE we had do do a bit of research about what venerable means and had to find a definition and a example, image and a non example it took a while to try and find an image but I manage myself and ended up finding a decent image her is my completed google drawings.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Suzanne Aubert

This morning we have had a lesson for Religious Ed, we have been learning about Suzanne Aubert. We watched a film that had a lot of facts about her and what and why she did things to help family's in New Zealand. and she sounded like a awesome person and I would have loved to meet her in person she was kind and caring to those around her. I learned that helping the poor is not just about money or clothes it could be that you give them faith to keep going or a family or someone that believes in them and now I know what it means to help the poor. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

weekly reflection

I really enjoyed learning a lot of the Maori  language and it was really fun to accomplish all the fantastic Maori task.

I succeeded in learning new Maori words that i can show my whanau and try and teach them how to pronounce them 

I found it challenging to try and make a good piktel art because i didn't feel familiar with the tools we use 

Well I have learned a lot of things  about the Maori culture because it was Maori week and thanks to my teacher it  was really fun

I am looking forward to it almost being the school holidays and i cant wait to sleep in and see some other family members 

I was always being truthful to myself and god and I am very proud of that 

Maori week 2020

It is Maori languge me my class and my amazing teacher have learning a lot about Maori starting with the days of the week withc is 

Rahina - Monday

Ratu- Tuesday

Raapa - Wednsday

Rapare - Thursday

Ramere - Friday

Rahoroi - Saturday

Ratapu - Sunday

Being able to learn more about my culture is really cool and fun i really love to do different task with my class especially these task her are four task i completed for Maori week

Friday, September 11, 2020

Weekly reflection

I really enjoyed researching what acrostic means for example CATS





these are really fun to make and i cant wait to use this more often and to be able to share how fun these are with family and friends and a big thanks to farther Larry for inviting us to watch the new release of Mulan me and the girls covered all our windows so it was nice and dark all the girl hogged all the pillows and made a giant bed to ly on i really loved the story of mulan.

I think for myself that I have succeeded in maths for statics and I love being able to learn how to make graphs although I do struggle a bit but luckily I have lovely teachers to help me with what I am stuck on.

I found it challenging to do the graph online because I wasn't very familiar with some stuff on the Chromebooks but some of my kind classmates lead me on the right path.

opportunity and privileges stands for social justice i learned more about that other country do not accept there people differences where i breath fresh air and run and go wherever i want in my country and get treated the same others get hated on and get there privileges to live a normal life taken away from them and it is very sad  

I am looking ford ward to doing more poetry using the acrostic type of poetry and being able to share the new poetry types i used on my blog so i cant wait to see what happens.

i have told the truth to god to myself and my family no matter the consequence because telling the truth depends on what the consequence wont be as bad as what it would be telling a lie 

Poetry square

 for literacy we have been showed different things to do in poetry for this task there was a DLO  with lots of different poem types to use i chose acrostic and i really like this because its simple but really interesting  and fun to do 

Social Justice

For this week for literacy we have been learning about social justice and had to complete a slide with questions on it I enjoyed researching  things some of these things impacted on my life because in other country those who are different are no free from judgement and abuse but her we are free to be whoever we want whenever we want we breath the thin fresh air well others breath in smoke and hatred I am really sad that people have to go through this but know that I support you no matter who you are .

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Spoken word collage

 For literacy we have been learning a lot about the elements of poetry here is six elements i have learned

stanza - group of lines in a paragraph

Rhyme - create a pattern in a poem 

Rhythm - how syllables are stressed 

Tone - attitude of poem

Imagery - the message that has been said 

Figurative language 

We go given four videos to watch about whats going around in our world they were all amazing but there was one that really caught my attention and that was the group of girls who spoke about the Maori culture within them It really impacted on my life because I am always aloud to speak Maori and knowing that people get that opportunity taken away is heart breaking but enough talk about that  we have got given a task about what we had seen in the video and had to complete the task on the slide.  

Friday, September 4, 2020

Weekly reflection

 I really enjoyed playing all of the fun sports in lunchtime and morning time with my friends and laughing about how funny we are.

I succeed in independent learning because i stayed on task and did my work in my own words without away saying ''what does this mean''

I found it challenging to do my work because we had no one to explain this properly because our teacher was sick

I learned that Priest Deacons and Bishops are apart of the holy order and that they have a special way of wearing there clothes.

I am looking forward for having our teacher for the whole week again without her getting sick

I was being honest to the relievers about how we work and the things we had to get done. 

In dependant learning